"In my exploration of eliminating dairy and eggs from all my vegetarian recipes to cook only using plant proteins, I found it a great challenge to create a cake recipe that would not taste any different from what we all expect from a great tasting sponge.
I experimented with avocado as a replacement for the creaminess of the butter and the protein of the eggs - and to my immense delight found that I was able to bake a very light and moist cake using no eggs, no dairy yet with all the nutritional benefits of avocado. Having shared my discovery with friends and family, the huge positive reaction led me to become licensed to run my own catering company - which appears to have taken on a life of its own!!"
Billyboy Burbank
About Us
"I am a full time practicing multi-disciplinary artist - and for a number of years now, I have been developing an animation series based on a stop-motion Koala bear Vegan chef. The aim is that 'Billyboy Burbank' will educate children on cooking using plant proteins. This is an ongoing project and 'PruFections' - which include my avocado-made cakes - are leading the way.....Thank you for your interest. "
Amy Goodrich
PruFeria PruFections LLC
PruFeria Films, Los Angeles 90068